Irrigation and Marketing Minister T Harish Rao inaugurated an ultramodern ‘Model Rythu Bazaar’ with state-of-the-art features and a Police Command Control Centre in Siddipet town on Monday. The Police Command Control Centre under the Siddipet Police Commissionerate was built at a cost of Rs 3 crore in 14,000 sq ft of office space in an area of 6.75 acres of land on the outskirts of Ponnala village falling under Siddipet Municipality. 

Speaking to the media, the Minister said the command centre would be interconnected to the Central Crime Station (CCS), Task Force wing and traffic control centres with the installation of 5,000 CC cameras covering the whole district in a short span 
of time.
Commissioner V Shiva Kumar said two mandals in the district were already covered under video surveillance and the rest of the mandals would be covered shortly. Three more new police stations were sanctioned at Makook, Komuravelli and Akkannapet and three more new buildings for Gajwel, Dubbaka and Koheda police stations were under construction, said the Commissioner, who hailed the police personnel for maintaining law and order with friendly and community policing in the jurisdiction of the commissionerate.

Addressing a gathering after the Model Rythu Bazaar which was constructed 200 yards away from the bus stand with modern amenities was thrown open to the public at the heart of the town, the Marketing Minister said the modern vegetable market building with corporate features was constructed for the benefit of farmers who sold vegetables and customers in the town with keeping in view of sanitary and comfort and systematic vending and buying of vegetables. 

More similar markets would be constructed at all mandal headquarters in the district, said the Marketing Minister, adding that there was a proposal to construct two more Rythu Bazaars in the town for the convenience of people of Siddipet town including an Organic Vegetable Market and Integrated Veg and Non-Veg Market in two or three months’ time.

Love Siddipet Sculpture

Siddipet is one of the best muncipal constitution of telangana. after separate telangana siddipet constitution promoted as a new district of telangana. It is a biggest change and it help's in the development of siddipet. swachh bharath movement is also best effect for clean and green siddipet. and the indian government announced that siddipet is one of the top city in telangana. Through this inspiration. Love siddipet sculpture was inaugurated.
        Love siddipet sculpture was inaugurated on 2nd june 2017 by Honorable minister T.Harish Rao MLA of siddipet constitution. There is to main cities have love sculptures in india. those are mumbai and hyderabad. Now in siddipet. This love Siddipet sculpture located at Komati Cheruvu (mini tank bund of siddipet). Public also very intersted to visit this sculpture and this is the main spot of entertainment in siddipet. and this spot is developing very faster with latest parks...etc by the honorable minister and MLA of siddipet and every year bathukamma (State Festival of Telangana)festival celebrations conducted very grandly by the state government of telangana.
Inner view of mini tank bund siddipet
Love Siddipet Sculpture Area