Irrigation and Marketing Minister T Harish Rao inaugurated an ultramodern ‘Model Rythu Bazaar’ with state-of-the-art features and a Police Command Control Centre in Siddipet town on Monday. The Police Command Control Centre under the Siddipet Police Commissionerate was built at a cost of Rs 3 crore in 14,000 sq ft of office space in an area of 6.75 acres of land on the outskirts of Ponnala village falling under Siddipet Municipality.
of time.
Commissioner V Shiva Kumar said two mandals in the district were already covered under video surveillance and the rest of the mandals would be covered shortly. Three more new police stations were sanctioned at Makook, Komuravelli and Akkannapet and three more new buildings for Gajwel, Dubbaka and Koheda police stations were under construction, said the Commissioner, who hailed the police personnel for maintaining law and order with friendly and community policing in the jurisdiction of the commissionerate.